Even since I saw these stained glass Zelda Wind Waker pictures on the web a long time ago, I've wanted to do something with them. I just never had windows where they would work. And then I moved shop, and now I do. A nice row of 4 windows in my lounge. Yay!
As a first step, I enlarged the pictures to 4xA3, printed them out, glued them together, and stuck them on cardboard. Then I took a boxcutter, and cut out the silhouette of the window shape. Then I fixed them over the existing windows. By which I mean I took a hammer and nails and pounded the suckers in place.
I'm rather happy with the result, even if right now you have these stupid bars where I pasted the separate pieces of papers together. I'm still debating on having them printed (in a single sheet, of course) on transparent plastic (versus just regular paper). The thing is, the colored paper doesn't alter the colour of the light coming through like 'proper' stained glass would. I did not expect that. I think transparent coloured plastic will, which I hope will enhance the stained glass effect further.
First a shot of the entire array, sorry if it looks fuzzy, my cheap-ass digital camera doesn't handle the extreme differences in contrast well. Click on any of the images to see a larger version/slideshow.
And some shots of each window individually. I wasn't entirely careful in cutting out the window silhouette as this is just a mockup of the final version, but it turns out this gives a nice sort of "glow" effect around the window proper.
As mentioned, the "cross bars" are just because these are A3 sheets stuck together, the final version will hopefully be in one piece.
Number three of four...
Yeah, this one needs a little work, I wasn't entirely careful doing the cutting.
As a first step, I enlarged the pictures to 4xA3, printed them out, glued them together, and stuck them on cardboard. Then I took a boxcutter, and cut out the silhouette of the window shape. Then I fixed them over the existing windows. By which I mean I took a hammer and nails and pounded the suckers in place.
I'm rather happy with the result, even if right now you have these stupid bars where I pasted the separate pieces of papers together. I'm still debating on having them printed (in a single sheet, of course) on transparent plastic (versus just regular paper). The thing is, the colored paper doesn't alter the colour of the light coming through like 'proper' stained glass would. I did not expect that. I think transparent coloured plastic will, which I hope will enhance the stained glass effect further.
First a shot of the entire array, sorry if it looks fuzzy, my cheap-ass digital camera doesn't handle the extreme differences in contrast well. Click on any of the images to see a larger version/slideshow.
And some shots of each window individually. I wasn't entirely careful in cutting out the window silhouette as this is just a mockup of the final version, but it turns out this gives a nice sort of "glow" effect around the window proper.
As mentioned, the "cross bars" are just because these are A3 sheets stuck together, the final version will hopefully be in one piece.
Number three of four...
Yeah, this one needs a little work, I wasn't entirely careful doing the cutting.
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