
DIY: James Marshall Technicolour

I've had my iPad for well over two years now. Two new generations have been released since I've bought it (and how I've fought my inner geek full of WANT to not buy them). And in all that time I've never seen a really good doodling app. What gives? It's the non-pressure sensitive touch screen isn't it? Odd that old technology like resistive touch screens would work better for sketching than this spiffy multi-touch capacitive one.

Recently I've been messing with Bamboo Paper for the iPad. It's one of the few sketching apps which doesn't suck total donkey balls. It's free (aside from possible in-app purchases) and it comes with a decent set of tools. Bit of a limited palette, though. And the canvas is exactly as large as the screen. And it's all a bit ham-fisted without a stylus, you can forget about really detailed work. Though I suppose I could make my own stylus. But still, it IS a ton of fun to noodle around with.

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